Yoga &T’ai Chi are life changing practices for everyone. Whether you begin a practice early in your life or awaken to it at 60, 70 or 80, the benefits register immediately within your whole being. Those who experience high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, arthritis, headaches, body-imbalance, asthma, allergies, ADHD, the list goes on, begin to feel a lessening of symptoms and an increase in well-being.
Sometimes benefits come immediately; at other times one notices significant and sometimes surprising changes toward well-being over a period of time. An essential ingredient in maintaining a practice once begun, is to simply do it. For many people coming to a class regularly sets the intention as a priority. One can count on that full space of time to breathe fully, move one’s body increasing one’s energy, and leave rejuvenated and clear-minded. The body is renewed, the mind cleared, and the spirit soaring.

Tuesday: Friends Meeting House is the actual location. Class is also on Zoom.Time: 9:30 – 11:00am
Address: 530 26th Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37209
Wednesday: Dragon ParkTime: 8:30 – 9:30am
(For coffee/tea and visiting stop by Fido from 7:45 – 8:30a)

- The yoga and t’ai-chi classes run continuously excepting vacation and workshop time.
- Classes are open to beginners and to those who have been doing yoga and t’ai-chi for awhile.
- All classes are $16.
- Coming to class is actively nourishing yourself, and sharing the abundant energy with your brothers and sisters.
- Please contact me to talk over special situations.
- If you are suddenly unable to attend class, please call or leave a message on my machine. Thank you!
- I am available for private lessons.
- When the body needs something more, remember … I do Breema Bodywork Mondays &Fridays &Saturdays.
- Please call for an appointment (615-498-4090).
- Breathe a Lot!

“If I had to put one word on it, it taught me—really—discipline. You get this binding of the body, the mind, and spirit; and you try to put that as one—make it one unit and work as one unit…There are other ways you can direct your energy, direct your anger, direct your frustrations. Whatever you feel like you have a problem with, you can take that and put that in positive bottles.” —Reggie Williams
“Eight years ago my doctor said I needed knee surgery; instead I turned to yoga and t’ai chi with Julie Russell. I am now eighty-seven. I breathe better, sleep better, don’t have back aches in the mornings, and I haven’t had knee surgery. My doctor is pleased that I am doing this.” —Camile Spitale
“T’ai chi and yoga mean much to me. They help me to know my body, mind, weaknesses and strengths better. When pain comes, physically or mentally, an improvement in breathing helps to allay these feelings. All in all, my quality of life has improved since learning t’ai chi and yoga. I laugh more.” —Catherine Cox
“T’ai chi has helped me to breathe deeper which has improved my breathing. I now appreciate my environment and nature.” —Marian Watkins
“Yoga is very new to me. I wish I had experienced it many years ago. Yoga has caused me to look inside myself physically, mentally and spiritually and define who I am. What I have learned and appreciate most is to be quiet, slow down and just BE.” —Margo Woodruff
“Yoga helps me deal with problems of balance and coordination related to my MS. It reduces spacity in my legs and feels good too.” —Judy Pauley
“I have some health problems for which I need some form of therapy according to my doctor. A short time ago I began to take t’ai chi and yoga classes from Julie Russell at The Martin Center which is a very nice place for classes. Ms. Russell is a terrific lady and a very competent instructor. I enjoy the class and my association with the others in class. I am beginning to feel more active and stronger. My doctor highly approves of my choice of therapy. I recommend the class for anyone.” —Pat Griffith
“T’ai chi quiets my mind and tunes me into my body, improving balance and coordination. It warms me up for yoga class and enables me to perform the yoga movements and stretches with ease. Yoga enables my sixty-five-year-old body to stay flexible. Yoga also has taught me many ways to bring my body and mind to relaxation in stressful situations.” —Marie Peat
“Yoga became important to me in the early 1970’s when I was going through tough times. Today, it’s important in the good times as well. It is my relaxer, my energizer, my connection with mind, body, and spirit. With yoga, I have little need for a masseuse or chiropractor like I used to. And. . . Julie Russell is a perfect teacher for my “senior” body. With her guidance, my body stays aligned and the old aches and pains have gone away.” —Phyllis McGregor
“When I miss t’ai chi or yoga, I know how much it means to me physically, mentally and spiritually. It (they are) the rhythm that undergirds my life—the beat that synchronizes my days. Without knowing it, I am replenishing that which connects me to myself and myself to the world and my God. You might say, it clears my channels but it does much more. It opens new ones. And there’s one other very important benefit. You find in t’ai chi and yoga classes fellow seekers and they along with great teachers are ALWAYS people you want to know and love and will—always.” —Susie Irvin
“Yoga was introduced to me in my middle years while I was running a small health food store. It was a wonderful stress reducer and mental relaxer. Years later, at The Martin Center, I was introduced to t’ai chi and I have added it to my yoga practice. My husband likes for me to go to these classes as I return more pleasant to be around. Julie Russell is a good teacher and very supportive of senior citizens. She has helped me with aches and pains and to maintain flexibility and balance. She is patient with my flagging energy at times and senior moments. It is a pleasure to be in her classes with other wonderful people. I leave rejuvenated and at peace, something she emphasizes.” —Betty Townsend