Greetings Yoga and T’ai Chi Students, and Lovers of Breema and The Painting Journal!
CHANGES. ~ The last few months have been filled with packing up, storage filling, and even a musical trip to Ireland. Somehow the Updates never happened. I hope to be back with bi-monthly Updates and a renewed website more user- friendly. Ian Bernstein has helped enormously with the website, and the classes recorded during Pandemic will be there and accessible to all.
Having a realtor in the family has helped our search for a place that would house myself, and two daughters, Amy and Elizabeth. The requirement of ample space and near Nashville, has manifested a home in Bellevue.
Address: 7141 Forrest Oaks Dr.
Nashville, TN 37221
(We plan to be in by December 10th)
Yoga Classes ~
Beginner: Actual and Zoom Yoga Class, Tuesdays, 9:30-10:45am CST
Intermediate: Actual and Zoom Yoga Class, Tuesdays, 11:00-12:15pm CST
The Actual classes take place at Friends meeting House, 530 26th Ave, N.Nashville, 37209
Cold Moon is happening December 15th
Wolf Moon is happening January 13th
“Restorative Yoga” happens on the Tuesday classes before each full moon.
$16 per class—sliding scale available upon request.
***NO Classes December 9th-13th…moving week)
***Classes as usual on January 7th.
Beginning January 14th the Beginner and Intermediate classes will COMBINE. The time is 9:30am-11:00am, Standing poses will be available to those wanting to do them before Savasana. Those not doing that may do a longer Savasana, or join, or do their own yoga. Then all join in Savasana.🧘🏽♂️🧘🏿♂️
The T’ai Chi Class continues at Dragon Park on Wednesdays at 8:30am.
Location: The corner of Blakemore and 24th Avenue. “Earlybirds” are welcome to visit at Fido at 7:45 for tea/coffee before class, and a chance to visit. In inclement
Weather, we meet at Belmont Methodist Church. No previous experience needed to join the class. All welcome!
Self-Breema Zoom Session – A free community offering during Covid, ,and still happening Fridays, 9:00-9:30am CST on Zoom.This zoom group is diverse in age and health concerns.The class is open to folks across the country, and any place in the world that offers zoom. If you wish to participate, send your email address to me to be placed on the zoom invitation that goes out on Thursdays.
“Winter Solstice Community Kirtan” With Amy Barnes, Gayatri Dasa, and Special Guests~ Saturday December 21st, 3-5pm, At Yogasoul Bhakti Center,
1221 Martin St., Nashville, TN, 37203.🎶
Well Being Retreat Center in Tazewell TN offers a number of retreats
each month that are listed on their website.
Don Oakley continues his Tuesday night talks on zoom 5:30-6:30pm CST, the first and third Tuesdays on each month. (Link is on website)
Go to to seek out the monthly retreats.
Don Oakley has a second Book out on Amazon. “Empty Wisdom”, The subtle art of discovering who you are already are.
Joe Zarantonello of Loose Leaf Hollow in Bardstown Ky is (on zoom) Sunday Mornings @ 10:00-11:30am CST with a virtual Retreat starting with inspiration, then meditation, and lastly Quaker-like conversation among those gathered.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Circle Dancing is again open to the public the first and third Fridays of the month at Friends Meeting House, 530 26th Ave. N. 37209 from 7:00-8:30pm. Friday, December 20th is the next Friday for dancing. All Welcome!💃
Being Present Off The Yoga Mat
Yoga Practice is just that—practice.
The fruit of practice is being more present
in your life.The next time you find yourself stuck
in traffic and feel your blood pressure rising, apply
the principles of breathe, relax, feel, watch, and allow.
Turn an unavoidable inconvenience into an opp-
orotundity to relax and center yourself. While
selecting items from a salad bar or menu,
bring yourself present. In touch with
your body’s needs, and awake
to all the sights and smells, you can
make the best possible food choices.
As your practice deepens, experiment
with remaining present in the face of strong
emotion. Watch what arises in your mind during
a frustrating moment at work, or after a heated ex-
change with a family member. Closely observing your
inner experience in moments of challenge
reveals volumes about yourself. When
you are present in moments like
these, life itself becomes your
teacher. Connected to your
body, attuned to your emotions,
aware of your thoughts, you
let the
experience of life
touch, teach
and transform you.
~ Richard Faulds MA, JD
All best wishes to each and everyone of you! It has been my joy to join with you
in the amazing practices of Yoga, T’ai Chi, and Breema! Thank you for showing
up and participating in that which allows us to experience life more fully thru the lived connection of body-mind-spirit, feeling all the pathways available to our joining and serving on this amazing planet!
Happy Holidays,
In Your Veins
Forget about enlightenment.
Sit down wherever you are
And listen to the wind singing in your veins
~Jon Welwood