Greetings Yoga and T’ai Chi Students and Lovers of Breema and The Painting Journal!
May 30th – June 1st I will be at Well Being Conference Center in Tazewell TN. The workshop-retreat I will be leading is, Journeying Toward Wholeness which includes movement in Yoga and T’ai Chi, Self-Breema with its emphases on Being Present, and The Painting Journal. The workshop begins Friday evening, and ends after lunch on Sunday. No experience in any of these areas is needed. It is enough to sense one’s yearning inside to participate in that which frees the body, heart and soul, inviting one’s natural creativity, the part that wants to play, to come toward a living wholeness that one can feel.
The place itself in Tazewell is one of great natural beauty, surrounded on three sides by the Powell River. Participants are encouraged to wander with their painting journals on several occasions during the weekend. For more information contact me at or call 615-498-4090 or Patty at Well Being Conference Center 408-510-0660. To Register contact Patty:
Yoga at Riverbend Prison continues on Wednesdays at 2:15, the class being open to those in the Nashville community who would like to participate physically or simply sit-in. Please call me a week I advance to get your name at checkpoint along with your birthdate.
Rahim Buford had wonderful support from the community of folks who attended his 2nd parole hearing the 21st of April. Those who spoke on his behalf were well informed as to his accomplishments and attributes as an intelligent, insightful, extremely competent and wise human being who is so ready to contribute to society. It was heartbreaking to learn that the judges chose to have him serve another year. I wondered how Rahim would be on Wednesday, but I sensed deeply after knowing him these 10 years, that he would not let it deter the way he chooses to walk in this world. He said he was recovering from the feeling state at the hearing, but that that intenseness was beginning to move out, and basically he is who he is, living his life in the moment in the best way he can.
Project New Beginnings graduation Saturday April 26th at the men’s prison was again a heartwarming celebration for the 21 men dressed in graduation gowns receiving their diplomas, and for those family members, friends, and volunteers attending. Sentoryia Young, known as TY and president of PNB, planned for many weeks in advance to make the celebration special by providing fried chicken as part of the supper, and surrounding the beautifully caligraphied awards in wooden frames. Kathy Masulis was the keynote speaker, tuning right into the heart of worthiness, self-esteem, seeing ourselves with new eyes as we move and make choices, and commending the men for the consistent, and not so easy work they had put into the 33 weeks of enhancing their life skills. Kathy was a recipient of one of the awards given to those whose work has enhanced Project New Beginnings.This inspiring event is open to visitors and so worth your thinking about attending next year.
Restorative yoga happens the week of the full moon , May 12-16th. Please bring a bolster if you have one.
World T’ai Chi and Qi Gong Day occurred on April 26th along with the marathon, and was well attended in Dragon Park. Jen-Jen from the Chinese Alliance organizes this event each year with help from Chip Forrester and Cindy Hui-Lio. Carol Krones, Barbara Harris, Susan Schipani and Janet Hassen joined with me and others attending to participate in the doing of The Five Element Form, The Swimming Dragon, First Circle and the beautiful White Crane Form done in honor of those named before we begin moving. Larry Lee demonstrated several exercises that bring strength into the body regardless of age. T’ai Chi, like Yoga, is opening the eyes of those who wish to remain vital and alive as the years pass.
T’ai Chi Classes continue in Dragon Park Tuesdays 8-9am, Wednesdays 5-6pm, and on Thursdays 9-10 am at “50 Forward,” The Martin Center in Brentwood.
Breema Studies, the new in-depth Breema class Monday evenings 6-8pm at 2001 Woodmont Blvd. is into it’s 4th week of Breema under the direction of Katherine Correa.
Katherine is working toward developing a core of dedicated Breema folk in Nashville to continue spreading the beneficial effects of Breema to more people. Being consciously involved in body-mind connection through the 9 Breema Principles of Breema, and actually practicing, is key to actually being present. For more information contact Katherine:
Breema Sessions are available Mondays, Fridays and Tuesday afternoons. Please call me for an appointment. (831-0440)
The Painting Journal is part of “Journeying Toward Wholeness” workshop in Tazewell TN the last weekend in May. Flyer will follow this Update.
Circle Dance continues the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at Friends Meeting House 503 26th Avenue N. Nashville, 7-9pm. Fee:$2 The new teachers have been creating more energy in the teaching of these ancient and not so ancient dances which lift us out of the mundane into special places within our hearts and souls. All welcome…and please bring new friends! “Where heaven and earth meet there is a space as a razor’s edge or fly’s wing through which one may pass to another world.” ~ Upanishads
Jerry-Yah’kov and Candace offer a time to meet , have a bit to eat, and learn more about “A Course In Miracles” at Whole Foods (upstairs) at 1:00 the first Sunday of the month. All welcome!
Buddhism & The Twelve Steps Friday & Saturday May 16th & 17th with Kevin Griffin & Integrative Life Center, 1104 16th Ave. S Nashville 37212, Registration: ..
Amy Barnes and fellow musicians will be offering Kirtan at three places in the month of May. They are:
Riverbend Prison, Friday May 16th 5pm
Kirtan Bonfire, Feast at Murari Sevaki Kirtan Valley, Saturday May 17th, Mulberry TN 3pm
Half Moon Yoga Studio in Franklin TN, Saturday May 24th, 4:30-6:30
Contact Amy: Amy&
Dear friend and webmaster Wayne Lee Holt left this realm on the planet April 16th. His journey with cancer was just under two years. He passed peacefully at Hospice, whose care was magnificent, being sung to and talked to by close friends. I know he was pleased with the many friends who made possible his last art show at Friend’s Meeting house March 16th, and thrilled that his “boxes” are now and forever at The Tennessee State Museum. He had built me a website before I even knew I wanted a website. He was a one of a kind being who had many diverse artistic pursuits, who loved and taught astrology, and who mentored many students along the way in Math. His presence is surely missed . You may read his obit with photo at:
check out his website:
Spring is really here! Such magnificence in the natural world is breathtaking!
“May you be filled with Loving kindness.
May you be well.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
May you be happy!”
“Disciple: Is there no afterlife?
What about punishment for our sins?
Lama Thubten Yeshe: Why not enjoy your chocolate?
Your life is here and now. Birth is not a beginning;death is not an end.
~ Lama Thubten Yesh