Journeying Toward Wholeness is a way of living and being. The journey includes opening into the heart, the mind, body and feelings, imagination and creativity.

As one’s journey unfolds, so also the great life lessons become clearer and one begins to exhibit qualities of courage, serenity, acceptance and compassion.

Through the practice of Yoga, T’ai Chi, and Self-Breema, one feels the wholeness inside, natural to children.

Julie brings a rich background of experience to the practice and teaching of Yoga, T’ai Chi, Self-Breema, and The Painting Journal™.

tai chi day


Julie Russell

Julie received her B.S. in Education from Wheelock College and an M.A. in Art from Peabody College in Nashville where she founded and directed The Center, a school for pottery, arts and crafts for seven years. She expanded her focus to include the healing arts in the early ’80s doing Breema, practicing and teaching both Yoga and T’ai Chi, including classes and workshops in art therapy and The Painting Journal. Julie combines her New England upbringing with the lush green of Tennessee where she has lived, raised three children, and taught since the 1960’s. Julie photo